Cheetah Software  1.0
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 ActuatorModel.hModel of actuator Includes friction, max torque, and motor torque speed curve
 Checkerboard.cpp3D Plane with Checkerboard Pattern
 Cheetah3.hUtility function to build a Cheetah 3 Quadruped object
 Collision.hVirtual class of Collision logic
 CollisionBox.hCollision logic for a box
 CollisionMesh.hCollision logic for a mesh
 CollisionPlane.hCollision logic for an infinite plane
 Colors.hSome colors commonly used in the simulator
 ContactConstraint.cppContactConstraint virtual class
 ContactConstraint.hVirtual class of Contact Constraint logic
 ContactEstimator.cppAll Contact Estimation Algorithms
 ContactEstimator.hAll Contact Estimation Algorithms
 ContactSpringDamper.hSpring Damper based Contact Computation logic
 ControlParameterInterface.hTypes to allow remote access of control parameters, for use with LCM/Shared memory
 ControlParameters.cppInterface to set gains/control parameters for simulator and robot These are designed to be updated infrequently. For high frequency data, consider using Driver Inputs or adding to the Robot Debug Data instead
 ControlParameters.hInterface to set gains/control parameters for simulator and robot These are designed to be updated infrequently. For high frequency data, consider using Driver Inputs or adding to the Robot Debug Data instead
 cTypes.hCommon types that are only valid in C++
 DrawList.cppData structure to store robot model to be drawn
 DrawList.hData structure to store robot model to be drawn
 DynamicsSimulator.cppRigid Body Dynamics Simulator with Collisions
 DynamicsSimulator.hRigid Body Dynamics Simulator with Collisions
 FirstOrderIIRFilter.hA simple first order filter
 FloatingBaseModel.cppImplementation of Rigid Body Floating Base model data structure
 FloatingBaseModel.hImplementation of Rigid Body Floating Base model data structure
 GameController.cppCode to read the Logitech F310 Game Controller Creates a DriverCommand object to be sent to the robot controller Used in the development simulator and in the robot control mode
 GameController.hCode to read the Logitech F310 Game Controller Creates a DriverCommand object to be sent to the robot controller Used in the development simulator and in the robot control mode
 GamepadCommand.hThe GamepadCommand type containing joystick information
 Graphics3D.cppVisualizer window for simulator
 Graphics3D.hVisualizer window for simulator
 HardwareBridge.hInterface between robot code and robot hardware
 ImuSimulator.hSimulated IMU
 IMUTypes.hData from IMUs
 Interpolation.hUtility functions to interpolate between two values
 LegController.cppCommon Leg Control Interface
 LegController.hCommon Leg Control Interface and Leg Control Algorithms
 main.cppMain Function for the robot program
 MathUtilities.hUtility functions for math
 MiniCheetah.hUtility function to build a Mini Cheetah Quadruped object
 obj_loader.cppUtility to load .obj files, containing 3D models of robots
 obj_loader.hUtility to load .obj files, containing 3D models of robots
 orientation_tools.hUtility functions for 3D rotations
 OrientationEstimator.hAll Orientation Estimation Algorithms
 PeriodicTask.cppImplementation of a periodic function running in a separate thread. Periodic tasks have a task manager, which measure how long they take to run
 PeriodicTask.hImplementation of a periodic function running in a separate thread. Periodic tasks have a task manager, which measure how long they take to run
 PositionVelocityEstimator.hAll State Estimation Algorithms
 Quadruped.cppData structure containing parameters for quadruped robot
 Quadruped.hData structure containing parameters for quadruped robot
 RobotInterface.hInterface between simulator and hardware using LCM
 RobotRunner.hCommon framework for running robot controllers. This code is a common interface between control code and hardware/simulation for mini cheetah and cheetah 3
 SharedMemory.hShared memory utilities for connecting the simulator program to the robot program
 sim_utilities.cppUtility functions that exist only in the simulator
 sim_utilities.hUtility functions that exist only in the simulator
 SimControlPanel.hQT gui for the simulator
 Simulation.hMain simulation class
 SimulatorMessage.hMessages sent to/from the development simulator
 spatial.hUtility functions for manipulating spatial quantities
 SpatialInertia.hClass representing spatial inertia tensors
 SpineBoard.cppSpine Board Code, used to simulate the SpineBoard
 SpineBoard.hSpine Board Code, used to simulate the SpineBoard
 test_actuatorModel.cppTest the actuator model of the mini cheetah and cheetah 3 robots
 test_dynamics.cppTest dynamics algorithms
 test_filters.cppTest filter functions
 test_math.cppTest math functions
 test_orientation_tools.cppTest orientation functions
 test_spatial.cppTest spatial vector/transform maniuplation functions
 test_utilities.cppTest Utilities functions
 Timer.hTimer for measuring how long things take