Cheetah Software  1.0
include Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for include:


file  Checkerboard.h [code]
file  Colors.h [code]
 Some colors commonly used in the simulator.
file  DrawList.h [code]
 Data structure to store robot model to be drawn.
file  GameController.h [code]
 Code to read the Logitech F310 Game Controller Creates a DriverCommand object to be sent to the robot controller Used in the development simulator and in the robot control mode.
file  Graphics3D.h [code]
 Visualizer window for simulator.
file  obj_loader.h [code]
 Utility to load .obj files, containing 3D models of robots.
file  RobotInterface.h [code]
 Interface between simulator and hardware using LCM.
file  sim_utilities.h [code]
 Utility functions that exist only in the simulator.
file  SimControlPanel.h [code]
 QT gui for the simulator.
file  Simulation.h [code]
 Main simulation class.